Rein Teen Tours Blog

Category: Teen Tour Blog

Photo Contest – Fun Bus Photo


That’s right – we’ve kicked off our ever-popular summer photo contest! These contests are fun challenges between our all of our tours and programs. The teenagers and staff have lots of fun with this friendly competition.This week’s photo challenge is: FUN BUS PHOTOContest rules:– all teenagers must be in the picture– Click on the link below (this is the link to our Facebook bus photo contest album) to see all of the pictures:– The picture in this album with the MOST LIKES by 11PM EST this Friday, July 13 will be declared the winner (the prize: glory – and some swagger for winning the first contest of the summer). – Post the link to this album on your fb wall, and tell all of your fb friends that they must LIKE your group’s photo (tell them to also LIKE our page while you’re at it) in order for your group to win. The picture with the most LIKES by 11PM EST on Friday, July 13 will be the winner! enjoy some tunes while you check out the photos: The Magic Bus (by The Who): 08 Magic Bus (Stereo Version)In no particular order, here are the pictures that were submitted:……………………………………………….California Caper #2

Cali Caper #2 - Fun Bus Photo
Western Adventure # 2
Western Adventure # 2 - Fun Bus Photo
Eastern Adventure
Eastern Adventure - Fun Bus Photo
Grand Adventure # 2
Grand Adventure # 2 - Fun Bus Photo - "San Fran or Bust"
Grand Adventure # 3
Grand Adventure # 3 - Fun Bus Photo
Western Adventure #3
Western Adventure # 3 - Fun Bus Photo - "Hey, I just met you and this is crazy. We're at the Holiday Inn by the airport. So call me maybe?"
Hawaii/Alaska #1
Hawaii/Alaska #1 - Fun Bus Photo
Grand Adventure # 1
Grand Adventure # 1 - Fun Bus Photo
Hawaii Alaska #2 - Fun Bus Photo - "HA2 gettin' down with 7-Eleven free slurpee day!"

Western Adventure #1 – what have you been up to?


Heyyy – it’s time to take a sneak peak at WA1’s fun!

The high adventure began for Rein Western Adventure #1 in Rapid City, South Dakota. Badlands National Park was the first fun stop in Rapid City:

Entrance to the Badlands
Starting our hike
Enjoying the Badlands
View from the top

















Next stop – Cody, Wyoming!While in Cody, the kids got to experience the Cody Rodeo – a unique activity that they certainly can’t do at home!  That’s what being on a teen tour is all about…

The Cody Rodeo
While in the Grand Tetons/Yellowstone area, the group saw Old Faithful and they spent a fun night in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
No trip to Yellowstone is complete without seeing Old Faithful!
The famous antlers in Jackson Hole


Alpine sliding in Jackson Hole


the alpine slide track
Check out some of Western Adventure #1’s camping fun…
Chill time at the campground
Check out that tent in the background!
Meal crew helping to prepare dinner
More dinner helpers
See you guys in California. Keep having fun out there!

Hawaii Alaska #1 hits the ground running

Sure the Hawaii/Alaska tours go to Hawaii & Alaska,  but there’s so much more to this itinerary than just the name.  Check out how much HA1 has done in just the first 4 days of the trip!Rein Hawaii/Alaska #1 started their adventure in San Francisco.

The group walked across the Golden Gate Bridge.
They had a perfectly clear day. Usually the bridge is hidden in fog!
The group rode a cable car down the hilly streets of San Francisco from Powell and Market to the top of crooked Lombard Street.
The view from the top of Lombard Street
The bottom of Lombard Street - the "crookedest' street in the world
The group caught a baseball game while in San Francisco, too!
Oakland A's vs the Red Sox. The A's won 3-2.
Feeling the spirit at the game. Hey, when in Rome....
After San Fran, the group traveled to Squaw Valley, Lake Tahoe where they stayed at the amazing condos at the Village at Squaw Valley. Here, the group shopped for breakfast at the grocery store:
… climbed all of the high elements at our incredible Ropes Course
… and also spent a day on beautiful Lake Tahoe, where they enjoyed a day in the sun while playing in the sand and tubing on the lake.
All of this action in just the first 4 days!  Lots more fun to come in Oregon – stay tuned!!! 

California Caper #2 hits the southwest

Park City – check!Bryce Canyon – check!Grand Canyon – check!Cali Caper #2 has seen and done a ton so far.  Check it out below…Rein Cali Caper#2 started out in Park City, Utah,  where the teenagers enjoyed high adrenaline activities, including the alpine slide…

Riding the chairlift up the mountain
Getting ready to alpine slide!
Next, the tour headed to Bryce and Zion National Parks, where the teenagers saw once in a lifetime views and hiked in places parents can only dream of back at home…Bryce National Park:


The hoodoos (tall skinny spires of rock) at Bryce National Park
Check out that blue sky in contrast with the orange colors of Bryce








Beautiful day for a hike
View from the top







Group shot



Next stop – the Grand Canyon!


The Grand Canyon
Group photo at the Grand Canyon

Meanwhile, back at the campground…

Campfire time



Counselor appreciation...






Games at the campground:


Wait just a Minute to Win It...
We take our game time very seriously
Ask your kids about Minute to Win It - lots of fun!
Keep having a blast out there Cali Caper 2 – will post more from California! 

Rein Project Costa Rica – Pura Vida!

Rein Project Costa Rica has been busy – they are working hard and playing hard!Just in the first week, our Project Costa Rica teenagers have already made an incredible impact impact at their Rein community service projects.  Check out what they’ve been doing at their projects: Proyecto Asis Animal Refuge  and Rehabilitation Center:

Benjamin, the Kinkajou
At our childrens’ volunteer projects, our teenagers have been working hard cleaning and preparing classrooms, digging and making gardens, helping with beautification projects, repainting playgrounds and jungle gyms, etc.  Lots of play time with the children is happening too!!  Pictures with the children will follow in upcoming posts. Here are photos from the Orphanage, Day Care Center and Elementary School service projects:
In the afternoons, our Project Costa Rica teenagers are busy at their afternoon electives, which include: soccer, art, cooking, yoga, guitar, photography and spanish language.  Take a look!
Soccer Elective
Art Elective
Cooking Elective
Yoga Elective
Guitar Elective
Photography Elective
Spanish Language Elective
Keep up the great work and fun, Project Costa Rica. Catch up with you guys again. ~ Pura Vida ~ 

Rein Europe in London, England

Rein Europe was super busy in London at the start of their Rein Teen Tour.  Here are just a few highlights…What’s a visit to London without taking this classic photo??

Happy to be in London
Among many London highlights  was a side trip to Oxford, England. Here the group saw Oxford and went punting along the River Cherwell.

Next stop, The Tower of London & London Bridge:

Legend has it, the London Tower will fall if the six resident ravens ever leave the fortress.
Rein Europe rode the London Eye:
Each full rotation of the London Eye takes about 30 minutes. The capsules travel 26cm per second
Enjoying the view below
After a great visit to London, the group boarded the Eurostar train and traveled through the Chunnel to Paris.
Paris bound and very excited!!! Cheerio London...
More updates to come!

On the road with Grand Adventure #2

Grand Adventure #2 is having a blast on the road!  Let’s check in & see what they were up to during the first few days of their tour…Camping in the beginning of the tour is a fun way to make friends!

Hanging at the campground
Check out that tent in the background!
Ready for dinner!!!
The first National Park stop for Rein Grand Adventure # 2 – Badlands National Park:
Climbing the ladder at the Badlands. Yup - your kids did that!
Just hanging around
YOLO (you only live once)
Group photo at the Badlands
Rapid City, South Dakota provided another once in a lifetime opportunity for GA2 – seeing Mt. Rushmore!  Can you name the 4 Presidents on Mt. Rushmore without looking at the picture below?
Group photo before the patriotic lighting ceremony at night.
Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt & Lincoln
Next stop: Cody, Wyoming.  Home of our awesome rafting trip and the Cody Rodeo!
Rafting the Shoshone River
Cody, Rodeo time…
Something new and different every day on a Rein Teen Tour
Watching the rodeo.
Keep having fun out there, Grand Adventure #2. We’ll catch up with you again soon.

Western Adventure #2 – off to a great start

Here’s some of the highlights of  Rein Western Adventure #2’s first few days on tour…. Life at our campgrounds…

Family Dinner
Just chillin
Relaxing at our campground
In Rapid City, South Dakota, WA#2 hiked the Badlands.
The ladder at the Badlands - can you believe your kids climbed this!? Pretty impressive!
Great day for a hike
Group photo at Badlands National Park
Next up while still in South Dakota – the patriotic lighting ceremony at night at Mt. Rushmore!  How many of you can say you’ve been to Mt. Rushmore?
Mt. Rushmore - a once in a lifetime opportunity seen on Rein Teen Tours
Before the lighting ceremony
WA2 at Mt. Rushmore
Next stop for Rein Western Adventure #2 – Cody, Wyoming….  home of the rodeo and our fun white water rafting trip.
Cody Rodeo
Gearing up for our rafting trip
Rafting the Shoshone River
Keep on truckin’, Rein Western Adventure #2. Catch up with you again soon… 

Enter Conde Naste Traveler magazine’s WHERE ARE YOU? contest & WIN a free 3 day stay at the Ritz-Carlton Toronto

Wanted to share one of our favorite finds with all of you.  Check this out…Every month, Conde Naste Traveler magazine hosts a mystery photo contest & chooses a winner from those that correctly identify the location.  Each month’s prize is a 3 day stay at a different Ritz-Carlton world-wide property! The contest is easy – check out the picture, read the clues and then start googling to figure out the location. If you are a good internet super sleuth & love to travel, this monthly contest is perfect for you.Check back here each month for the link to the contest.As for May’s contest – there’s still one week left to enter! Hurry, hurry!

May's mystery photo location
Continue reading “Enter Conde Naste Traveler magazine’s WHERE ARE YOU? contest & WIN a free 3 day stay at the Ritz-Carlton Toronto”

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