Rein Teen Tours Blog

Category: Teen Tour Blog

Grand Adventure 1 at Snow King Mountain

Grand Adventure 1 at the base and summit of Snow King Mountain on the 4th of July in Jackson Hole! On our way to Great Falls, Montana for 1 night before heading to Canada tomorrow!! Surreal adventure, eh?!Grand Adventure 1Grand Adventure 1

#TBT: 1st ever Rein Gives Back volunteer event at the Community Food Bank of New Jersey

Our teenagers volunteer and give back in so many incredible ways during the summer on our Rein Community Service programs.  They volunteer mentor disadvantaged children, care for abandoned animals. protect the environment and help needy families and communities at our programs in California, Hawaii and Costa Rica.  There is so much need, however, right in our own backyards, all year long. In this spirit, the idea of Rein Gives Back was created by the Rein office, as an opportunity for our current and former staff members, campers and their families to make a difference together in our local communities during the year.

On Tuesday, December 6, Rein Gives Back kicked off its inaugural volunteer event at the Community Food Bank of New Jersey.

A perfect location for our first event, The CFBONJ is a member of Feeding America, the nation’s largest network of food banks, as well as a member of the New Jersey Federation of food banks. The Food Bank distributes 37 million pounds of food and groceries a year, ultimately serving 1,500 non-profit programs, which assists 900,000 low income people in 18 of New Jersey’s 21 counties.  


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Grand Adventure #2’s days in Cali

Grand Adventure #2 had a blast in California…


GA2 at Disneyland!


GA2 catching an Angels baseball game!
GA2's surfing day at Newport Beach

Surf's up!
Surfer Girls

Assorted photos from Rein Grand Adventure #2’s past 1 1/2 weeks…

Here are some assorted pix from our past 1  1/2 weeks  on tour.

How could we not pull the bus over to take this scenic photo while driving through Canada??

Grand Adventure #2 at the Columbia Icefield at the Athabasca Glacier in Jasper National Park (in Alberta, Canada)


On top of the Space Needle in Seattle
Playing Whirlyball (the greatest game EVER) in Seattle!
Hanging out at our Zion Canyon Campground in Utah

Grand Adventure #2 hits Bryce Canyon & the Grand Canyon

We are…. Rein Teen Tours, Grand Adventure #2

Here’s a quick peek at our time at Bryce Canyon and the Grand Canyon.The colors of Bryce are beyond description – bright, vibrant shades of orange. Beyond beautiful. Check us out at Bryce…Click here for more info on Bryce National Park:

Bryce Canyon!
There is nothing on this planet like Bryce...
Grand Adventure #2 at Bryce
The Grand Canyon was just MASSIVE.For more info on the Grand Canyon, click here:
GA2 at the Grand Canyon
We definitely finished the camping portion of our tour with the most impressive national parks! 

Cali Caper#2 in San Fran

We are so sad that tour is over and we are flying home today.  We had the most incredible summer and we are going home with memories of a lifetime.
Here are our last few days in San Francisco…
We drove over the Golden Gate Bridge and then pulled over at the vista point for great photo opps:
CC2 at the Golden Gate Bridge
We rode the cable cars through the city and then got off at the top of the crooked part of Lombard Street.  Here we are at the bottom of Lombard Street:
Lombard Street
Lombard Street
The "crookedest" street in the world
While in San Francisco, we also went to Discovery Kingdom, where we had  private, behind the scenes interactions with dolphins and other animals.
Playing with the dolphins
How cool is this ?!?
Baby alligator
Baby porcupines
California Caper #2 – the best summer ever!!!

Whistler meets Hawaii Alaska #1

Hawaii Alaska #1 had an amazing time in the ski village of Whistler, British Columbia. It’s such an incredible place: in Whistler, we had the choice of either skiing, biking or hiking.Some of us skied on Blackcomb Mountain:

Hawaii Alaska 1 skiers
Some of us went biking:
HA1 bikers
And some of us hiked:
HA1 hikers
Site of the 2010 Winter Olympics
Just a few stops left and then,  Hawaii here we come!!! 

Rein California Caper #2 does Tahoe!

Check out some of our fun at Squaw Valley, Lake Tahoe…Around the corner from our amazing hotel is the Squaw Valley Adventure Center. Here, we climbed the ropes course.

Getting instruction before we climbed
The next day we had a beach day at South Lake Tahoe!


Off to San Fran…

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